Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Stuff I Read Today 10/30/06

Ruining America - Make no mistake, that's what BushCo's mission clearly is...

MS Office (dis)Advantage - I am reminded once again that I really need to make the switch to Linux.

Seizure law under review - Bradenton, Florida police department may soon have to drop its extortion racket.

Have you warned your kids about schwag? - Addiction "experts" show off their "professional" ignorance in Forbes.

Airport screeners fail to see most test bombs - Really, should we be surprised at this?

Active duty GIs call for withdrawal - American heroes seek protection under the Military Whistleblower Protection Act.

Bush moves toward martial law

Monday, October 30, 2006

War On Dishonesty

Over the last century, we have managed to have a War On Alcohol (AKA Prohibition), a War On Drugs, and a War On Terror, yet despite the fact that dishonesty by our elected officials, media figures, and those who speak with the media have poisoned debate and public opinion through all of these wars, no one to my knowledge has ever proposed a War On Dishonesty. As President, it would be my moral obligation to begin that fight in earnest. My “9th Commandment Initiative” would ideally accomplish the following:

1. Criminalize the following acts:

a) Any public dishonesty or distortion of facts by any person or corporation in any form of media. In cases where honesty may result in self-incrimination, any person may use their fifth amendment right to remain silent. If we must have our jails and prisons full of people, let us fill them with liars instead of drug users. Anyone found guilty of lying to or misleading the public would be required to make very loud retractions. Guilty individuals would be subject to imprisonment (presidents of the United States included!) and corporations would be subject to having all assets seized and sold off as well as licenses permanently revoked.

b) Falsification or manipulation of scientific data in order skew results and conclusions. Shoddy and/or questionable research methods are a real menace to everyone; the people who do it for corporate and political gain are just as criminal as burglars and murderers.

c) The practice of passing off PR advertisements as genuine news. News organizations should be making their own news or getting real news from legitimate news providers. Public relations is such an inherently dishonest industry that I would consider making it illegal altogether.

This is most definitely a work in progress. All suggestions and contributions are very welcome.

Stuff I Read Today 10/29/06

Bush's economic policies: Don't look behind the curtain - Simply the scariest analysis of the American economy I have ever read. Prepare to be mortified.

The thirteen scariest people in America

Lots of other rich stuff out there today...just take a look at links on the sidebar.

I've had a rough day.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Stuff I Read Today 10/28/06

Library requires senior citizen volunteers to be drug tested - Really, this whole drug test business has gotten completely out of control. Point 6 of my drug initiative would completely overhaul how drug testing is done in America.

David Barton says Christians will have to "answer to the Lord" if they don't get out and vote
- David Barton's assertions would be criminal under point 6 of my Separation of Church and State initiative.

Giving Wal-Mart an environmental award is obscene

YouTube takes down Colbert and Daily Show clips - It will be interesting to see how Stewart and Colbert react (if at all).

Stuff I Read Today 10/27/06

Bush reserves right to preside over another Katrina failure - ...because arabian horse judges can always be counted upon when national disasters strike.

RIAA on the hook in Stubbs case - Criminal cartel hooks itself again when trying to throw back innocent fish.

The Dixie Chicks - The neo-con right corporate elite calls attention to some true American heroes.

The Freedom Of Information Act for bloggers - This EFF guide is most helpful...check it out!

Boarding pass hacker under fire - He should be a national hero, but instead a brilliant Congressman Edward Markley is calling for his arrest.

PBS NOW presents Janitor Justice - This is a must-watch!

Do not pay for DVD Shrink - It's free, and anyone who says otherwise is trying to scam you.

US military blocks Marines from visiting alternative news websites

Governments say they follow US on jail treatment
- If it's OK for the US to torture, then it's OK for us!

Rumsfeld to Iraq war critics - "This is complicated stuff...so just back off!"

Fecal factories in the heartland - Reason #254 that you should buy all of your food from local organic producers whenever possible.

Now Europe targets bloggers as terrorists

Yet another benefit of THC sees the light of day - They said marijuana causes cancer, but now we’ve learned that THC may prevent it. They said marijuana makes you forgetful, but it turns out that it might prevent Alzheimer’s too. They said marijuana makes you sterile, but today I learned that it can increase fertility.

Friday, October 27, 2006

China blocks Blogspot, I am looking for other options

OK, China really has blocked Blogspot. This is kind of like using a nuclear warhead to kill a mosquito, but hey, it's their country.

I just felt obligated to get the word out. Between Google's support of this kind of censorship and their apparent inability to keep Blogger up more than 50% of the time, I've decided to start looking for other options so that I can leave Blogger.

Any ideas?

Stuff I Read Today 10/26/06

This crop revolution may succeed where GM failed - New technology ironically makes genetic modification more than dangerous - it makes it quaint!

Why Republicans are running from Bush at election time - Nice piece here...

Workers' rights are about dignity as much as wages - CEOs use shame and intimidation to keep workers "productive," but the real shame is on executives who make eight-figure incomes while their lowest-paid employees trudge between food banks.

Soldiers with PTSD are being sent back to the front - They need to "face their fears" say military doctors who should never be allowed with 1000 yards of ANY medical facility.

There was a lot of other stuff I wanted to bring to your attention today BUT Firefox is acting really funny tonight, so I will have to hunt for spyware and viruses instead:)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Stuff I Read Today 10/25/06

How the Bush family makes a killing from George's presidency - A good, clear run through the list.

US border laptop searches - ...because we must act like North Korea in order to be free! (use BugMeNot to access)

RFID technology in new credit cards is a gaping security hole - You might as well leave your house and car unlocked too.

America's middle class has become globalization's loser

Shaq participates in kiddie porn raid - on the WRONG HOUSE! This is what happens when a simple IP address is used as evidence of a crime...

Academic freedom on the rocks - Oh, this is a great read when you have a few minutes!

China blocks Blogspot (updated)

It looks like China has blocked Blogspot yet again...

I really wish they would get over the whole censorship thing.


Well, Blogspot now seems to be up in China. Let's hope it stays that way...

Monday, October 23, 2006

Stuff I Read Today 10/23/06

Bush: "We've never been 'stay the course'!" - How can ANYONE defend this?

US bans Vegemite - Seriously. I guess it's time for the rest of the world to ban peanut butter.

A lullabye to free speech - Hilarious.

Desperate GOP stoops to lowest fear politics imaginable - Surprised?

Is it Vietnam yet? - Cindy Sheehan speaks!

Wal Mart's drug deal - Why you shouldn't be buying your medications - or anything else for that matter - from the low-price mongers.

So long, America - Free speech? Gone. Open vote counting? Gone. Free viewing of public airwaves? Gone. Letters to the editor? Forget about it!

P2P woes at Elizabethtown - Local college students display intelligence that rivals the world's most elite kindergartens.

How prescription drugs are poisoning our waters - An aging population and our growing addiction to pharmaceuticals may have disastrous consequences for our water supply.

What have California doctors learned about cannabis?

The economy is booming - Don't miss Have Skunk's compelling analysis of our wonderful economy!

Ugh. There's lots of other stuff going on. Bush and his buddies will destroy the world yet. In the meantime, Americablog is doing a fantastic job of covering the campaigns (see "Some blogs I like" at right for link. I've had enough of looking at the mess Big Money has made of the world for one day.

Military Service Reform

The military, while necessary for the survival of any country, must be used carefully and responsibly. Because past US presidents have shown clearly their inability to do this, it would be my duty as President to create new standards for the use and treatment of the military services and the men and women who serve.

My Military Services Reform initiative would ideally do the following:

1. Require the children or spouses of all elected officials and media personalities who support any military action to serve as front line infantry in whatever action is undertaken. If a war is noble enough for those in power to declare it, it is noble enough for their loved ones to die in.

2. Criminalize the practice of “overextending” troops beyond their scheduled tours of duty during wartime.

3. Enable any member of the service to refuse orders which they believe violate any international or domestic laws.

4. Criminalize the contracting out to private interests of any services whatsoever. A military that cannot provide food and services for its own troops in wartime is a weak military indeed.

5. Criminalize the sending of troops into war zones without being properly equipped to do so. A military that cannot provide proper wartime equipment to its troops shouldn’t be going into battle in the first place.

6. Criminalize “schoolyard recruiting” tactics and misleading statements by recruiters and marketing campaigns. A good military recruits honestly and keeps its troops from feeling misled.

7. Prohibit proselytizing by anyone in a position of authority of any religion within the armed services. There is ample opportunity both before and after military service for people to hear about other beliefs or preach their own. Religion and guns, however, clearly do not mix well, and when they do, historically it is to the great detriment of whatever country in which this mix occurs. Under this prohibition, only non-denominational clergy would be allowed to serve.

Is there anything I should add or change? Comment and let me know!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Stuff I Read Today 10/22/06

MPAA corrupts Boy Scouts - Entertainment cartels seek to create Hitler Copyright Youth.

Pot use drops dramatically in Europe - The figures will help the British government and other European nations with more liberal drug laws such as Holland and Switzerland rebut claims that their approach to cannabis leads to increased use of the drug.

Spot the moron! - Elementary school bans 'unsupervised chase games' during recess.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Stuff I Read Today 10/21/06

Diebold code sent to former legislator - Now who were those people that said certain elections couldn't have been stolen?

Helping the hungry on base - We can send troops off to Iraq...but Congress can't afford to feed the families they leave behind?

Republican party threatens terror unless voters approve dictatorship - GOP to play the fear card once again to scare sheeple into voting for them.

YouTube assumes the corporate position - A free information conduit dies.

Corporate drugs useless against Alzheimers - Look! It's Marijuana may help stave off Alzheimer's Disease Part II!

Olbermann makes speech history

Olbermann makes speech history

This is really too good for me not to post...

Stuff I Read Today 10/20/06

US calls dibs on space - Bush now wishes to be the Decider Of The Universe...

How to make hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis disappear
- The Lancet study that estimated 655,000 Iraqis killed since the US invasion of 2003 was based on some of the most solid research methods possible, but that didn't stop the American press from trying to say it wasn't so.

Top US general says Rumsfeld is inspired by God! - Wait, when did we become part of Iran?

Beginning of the end of America - Keith Olbermann addresses the Military Commissions Act in a special comment.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The War On Terror

Terrorist acts against our country are the inevitable result of wielding our enormous power and influence to interfere in other countries’ affairs when we have no business doing so. The solution is simple: Stop meddling in others’ affairs.

My anti-terrorism initiative would ideally do the following:

1. Achieve an immediate cease-fire in all countries to which we have taken our war.

2. Make an extensive and sincere apology to those countries we have decimated in our pursuit of non-tangible enemies.

3. Develop and implement a plan to rebuild infrastructure where we have destroyed it and pay substantial reparations. I realize that this may not be possible for some time in the case of civil wars. Such wars will have to be handled very delicately; certainly there is no way I could outline any sort of plan at this time to deal with such a situation.

4. Whenever possible, troops who have been involved in combat before my initiative would be brought home and replaced with fresh troops for rebuilding. This achieves two aims: 1) Over-extended, tired, and resentful troops get to come home, and 2) Citizens of the target countries become aware that new troops were not involved in previous fighting, which should lower tension significantly for everyone.

5. Fully cooperate with those who wish to bring anyone – and I mean anyone – guilty of war crimes before an international court. I would make every effort to see that retroactive laws that pardon such crimes were repealed.

6. Since international laws have been ignored and despised by at least one past president, I would work for a constitutional amendment that criminalizes the planning and carrying out of pre-emptive wars.

7. Make an extensive and thorough public investigation into the events leading up to 9/11 with a truly objective panel (no, I don’t have any idea at this point how I would create this panel). Every single word of the final report would be made public, no matter how damning. America deserves to know. For that matter, when the time is right, I would push for similar investigations into the Oklahoma City bombing, the Waco incident, and the 1993 Trade Center bombing.

8. Repeal the Patriot Act and end all domestic spying activities. During my presidency, the constitution would be adhered to rather than given lip service and used as toilet paper.

9. Reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil by encouraging development of alternative fuel sources, such as hemp, with substantial subsidies. This should help prevent any future desire to invade countries in order to take over their resources.

Anything I should add to this initiative or change in it?

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Stuff I Read Today 10/19/06

Leaders debate plan to legalize drugs in Mexico - Unlike America, they've grown tired of the corruption and high crime rates that Drug Wars foster.

Bush accepts Iraq-Vietnam comparison - ABC interview elicits a rare moment of honesty from King George.

Fighting the imperial internet - Corporate media are looking to use the "free market" to add the internet to their empire. But we can't let them dominate the 'net and undermine our democracy.

Here's why cable TV is so expensive - ...and they want to run the internet the same way.

A billion dollars a year for pot?
- Yes, that's what we spend on controlling the demon weed these days.

Marijuana may help stave off Alzheimer's disease

Loose Change Documentary airing nationally on 10/24 at 8 PM (Central)
- If you haven't seen this, you really should - you may not agree with all of its assertions about 911, but you have to wonder what kind of government would prefer that its citizens be left to speculate about events so central to its foreign and domestic policy rather than offer proof that such speculations are wrong. They claim doing so might harm national security...but if terrorists were behind 911, then don't the terrorists already know more about what they did than anyone else? Perhaps it may harm national security if it is confirmed without a shadow of doubt that 911 was a government orchestrated event...

One man still locked up from 911 sweeps - This is what happens with 'arrest first, ask questions later' policies.

Music industry commits 8000 new counts of extortion

FBI director wants ISPs to track users
- It doesn't get any more Orwellian than this.

Judge vacates conviction of Kenneth Lay - Hey CEOs of America, YOU TOO can rob your shareholders blind and extort half the country! If you're exposed, just play the system to allow you to keep your $2M a year insurance payout. They'll even declare you innocent after you're dead!

The worst congress ever - Rolling Stone has done a fantastic piece that should be required reading for current and future generations.

Government targets American bloggers as enemy propagandists
- Just before I came across this article, I had learned that Have Skunk had been contacted. Scary...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Taking a couple of days off

I've been quite busy ever since this blog got started - so busy that I haven't had time to do much more with it than news items and the occasional original post. I'm going to devote the time I normally spend here on learning how to improve this blog and increase traffic to it. In the meantime, please use the comment function below to let me know what you would like to see here, how the site can be improved, and / or what your top 10 playlist looks like!

Stuff I Read Today 10/15/06

American fascism is on the rise - ...and this isn't that generic term that so often gets casually tossed around either.

Surprise! Online gambling is now a crime.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Stuff I Read Today 10/14/06

Dear Leaders - Molly Ivins cuts Bush's North Korea strategies to ribbons. Gotta love her...Joe Conason has a good one too.

China drafts labor laws to end abuse; American corporations protest - A certain chamber of commerce thinks of China as nothing but a cheap factory; God forbid these corporations might have to treat their workers fairly! The corporate elite takes off its mask. Here's another.

Mega-merger vs. internet freedom

More on pain contracts - Having pain problems? Some doctors won't give you any pain meds now unless you agree to be drug tested. Test positive and your pain meds are stopped cold. And you thought America was a model of human rights standards...

8 million American workers just lost the right to organize

Two dairies end use of artificial growth hormones - Monsanto sure to sue. From article: Monsanto sued Oakhurst Dairy in Maine in 2003 after it put labels on its milk saying its farmers pledged not to use artificial growth hormones. The case was settled when Oakhurst added a statement to its labels saying the FDA has found ``no significant difference in milk from cows treated with artificial growth hormones."

Friday, October 13, 2006

Stuff I Read Today 10/13/06

The gospel of prosperity - Megachurch begs for money, sheeple give. Why don't people actually read those Bibles they always carry around?

"Christian" conservatives duped by BushCo - and here's more about the new book "Tempting Faith"

"Christian" Democrats (conservatives) snubbing out coffee shops in Netherlands - Leave it to so-called "Christians" to mess everything up for everyone else...

You can thank industrial agriculture for e. coli. - Yet another reason to buy local organically raised foods

Five scandals that could put Republicans in jail - Is Big Oil pulling an Enron? Who's making money off of your retirement?

America's Nuremberg laws - Lest we forget, any of us can now be tortured and/or jailed for life without trial simply by being labeled an 'unlawful enemy combatant'.

Hippie-hating and baiting - A centerpiece of the religious-right and conservatism

Politicians caught out in TV drug test - ...and you thought world leaders were upstanding, trustworthy citizens :)

Instructor compares Bush to Hitler - Instructor makes thoughtful observations, entire state freaks out

Bush has achieved America's demise - Bush regime proceeds exactly as Nazi regime did, America more concerned about next episode of 'Survivor'.

How Wal-Marting of organics hurts us all - Are you still shopping at big-box stores? For shame...

DoJ approves Big Telco mega-merger - Consumers can pound salt

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Stuff I Read Today 10/12/06

Study claims Iraq's 'excess' death toll has reached 655,000

Bush comments on the 655,000 figure by - how else? - saying it's 'not credible' - Never mind that it's 20 times the figure of 30,000 he gave in December.

The religious right's crusade for 'decency' - Delusional Pharisees strip themselves of all dignity and credibility yet again.

Here's some interesting musings about not only how Foley has given Democrats a huge lead, but why it takes a sex scandal rather than 655,000 deaths or a police state to get people demanding change.

The two faces of Rumsfeld -
2000: director of a company which wins $200m contract to sell nuclear reactors to North Korea. 2002: declares North Korea a terrorist state, part of the axis of evil and a target for regime change.

No troop reduction in Iraq before 2010!

Pyongyang 1, Bush 0

Shop with dollars or we'll change your regime -
Iraq, Iran and North Korea -- Nutsack's Axis of Evil -- are the only three countries to abandon the U.S. dollar for petroleum (petrodollar) and/or other trade transactions. Read more about it here. And here. And here. And here. And here. And here. And here. And here.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Stuff I Read Today 10/10/06

Cover band destroys restaurant - A cover band plays a Jimi Hendrix tune - among others - and the music industry is SUING THE RESTAURANT OWNER INTO BANKRUPTCY!

Does Bush think war with Iran is preordained?
- Enjoy what's left of life as you know it. Bush and his religious right wing cohorts are about provoke World War III and a global depression...

The Freshwater Boom is over - Our rivers are starting to run dry.

Savage America - If you live in America and wonder why the rest of the world has a low opinion of Americans in general, you really should read this.

Don't let your library books become overdue or the police will come looking for YOU!

SEX PANIC!!!!! - Sex crimes down, religious right freaks out and engages in War On Sex

Monday, October 09, 2006

Stuff I Read Today 10/9/06

North Korea: Flashback To 2002 - Nick over at Morons.org predicts that the neocon religious right-wingers will blame this whole mess on Clinton...and they have!

GOP knew about Foley six years ago! - Look under 'featured video'.

Brainless: The Lies And Lunacy Of Ann Coulter - Now here's a book worth getting, especially since Reuters fired Joe Maguire for writing it (registration required - use bugmenot).

Right to privacy now on endangered list - Former Congressman and US Attorney Bob Barr, a leader of the impeachment proceedings against Clinton, speaks out on our soon to be extinct right to privacy! Now things are officially Really Really Bad...

Sex, Lies, And Family Values - A long list of people who, while spouting off with bullhorns about 'family values', have been caught with their pants down with people who are not their wives.

Who Killed Michael Moore? - How would non-right wing people react if the government assassinated Micheal Moore for his activism and political dissent? If it's just more blog posts and complaining, it may just embolden government and corporations to commit ever more heinous crimes against those that oppose their crookery.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Copyright and Patent Reform

The music, movie, and software industries have done themselves and the world a grave disservice by attempting to sue and criminalize file sharing out of existence. Some biotech corporations have used the patenting of genes and genetically modified strains of crop to create monopolies in the farming industry, and they have been suing small farms into bankruptcy with allegations of ‘crop piracy’ when their fields get contaminated with GMO seed. Americans shouldn’t have to put up with corporate extortion; it is time for this nonsense to end.

My reform initiative would ideally do the following:

1. Criminalize the abusive legal tactic of threatening to sue / suing citizens and then offering to settle out of court for a certain sum of money. This is extortion and should be treated as such.

2. Require all consumer goods containing Digital Rights Management technology to advertise its presence prominently and include a booklet with detailed information, such as the purpose of the DRM technology and how it affects product capabilities and interaction with other products / software, in all product packaging. Furthermore, DRM presence must be clearly mentioned in any advertisements, and in print advertisements, it must be explained in the same manner that pharmaceutical advertisements must provide detailed information of the drug they are advertising. This legislation would also require that consumers be verbally informed of the presence of DRM in a product before purchase.

3. Prohibit the installation of trusted computing technology in consumer goods. Such technology would be permitted for the corporate sector upon obtaining a trusted computing license which would require each computer to be registered.

4. Pass legislation that explicitly declares file sharing as a legal activity and prohibits legal action against file sharing entities provided that those entities follow certain guidelines. These guidelines are certainly up for discussion; right now I have none in mind that I feel very strongly about, and I certainly would welcome coherent suggestions from both ends of the spectrum.

5. Pass legislation prohibiting patents on all forms of life and revoking all existing patents that fall into this category.

6. Prohibit anyone other than the actual creator of a work from holding the copyright to that work or in any way asserting ownership of the work.

This is by no means final; let me hear what you think!

Stuff I Read Today 10/8/06

A US 'Invasion' of Korea - As world attention is drawn to North Korea's missile launches and nuclear program, many South Koreans are attuned to a threat much closer to home. They have watched a group of rice farmers in the small village of Daechuri near the city of Pyongtaek attempt to defend themselves against invasion by the US military.

It's a slow news day, it seems.

Or not. Perhaps it's just that all the Bush and Republican scandals have just burned me out. Common Dreams has a pretty good description of my problem - my 'moral outrage needle' has been in the red so long that things like the Foley cover-up just can't register. The lies and mud-slinging coming from Republicans, the religious right, the Bush administration and their Fox News lapdogs is so appalling and devoid of any facts that they might as well be alien invaders from another planet. Talking to them is like talking to a wall - they cannot be reasoned with or persuaded with facts because that is NOT the world they live in.

Stuff I Read Today 10/7/06

Review: "Death Of A President" - More4 in the UK has produced a drama entitled "The Death of a President" that uses the assassination of George W. Bush as a a starting point to examine how the US would react in the wake of such an event.

Will They Ever Stop Hijacking Jesus? - Somebody wrote a book about it!

StumbleWeed - Check out the uber-kool new magazine the DEA is using to show you that marijuana is bad, bad, BAD! How DARE you smoke an un-patentable plant for your chemotherapy nausea and pain when WE have an expensive, patented pill that is BETTER than anything God could have thought of when he made that plant! WAIT! NO! The DEVIL made that plant!

National Cold Medicine Restrictions Take Effect
- Last week a federal law went into effect requiring that cold remedies containing pseudoephedrine, the main ingredient in Sudafed, be kept behind the counter. Nationwide, people feeling under the weather must now show identification and sign a log book in order to buy their medicine.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Separation of Church and State

For far too long, religion has been a driving force in American public policy, and the results have been disastrous. Prohibition, the Drug War, the War On Pornography, the War on Rock Music, fights over prayer in schools, posting of the ten commandments, the teaching of evolution, the abortion debate – all have been pointless drains on the American consciousness, leaving little room for honest, reasoned debate on real issues. The separation of church and state was enshrined in the Constitution for a reason, and it would be my duty as President to uphold the Constitution. It is my belief that separation of church and state trumps freedom of speech because religion has a long history of threatening freedom of speech and persecuting those who practice it.

My Separation of Church and State initiative would ideally do the following:

1. Revoke the tax exempt status of every church that has ever become involved in politics. They have brought untold grief to the American people with their Bible thumping, and now it is time that they reap what they have sown. I do not yet have a clear plan as to how they should be taxed, but rest assured that it will take into account the large sums of money they generate. As always, I am open to suggestions

2. Eliminate the practice within courts and swearing-in ceremonies of invoking the name of God or placing hands on a Bible. Surely every Christian is familiar with what Jesus had to say about this:

"Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn.' But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. And do not take an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. Let what you say be simply 'Yes' or 'No'; anything more than this comes from evil. – Matthew 5:33 – 5:37

But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your "yes" be yes and your "no" be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation. – James 5:12

3. Eliminate public prayer not only in schools, but everywhere. Surely every Christian knows what Jesus had to say about praying in public:

"And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. – Matthew 6:5 – 6:6

4. Remove “In God We Trust” from our currency. Surely every Christian knows what Jesus had to say about money, which is clearly “exalted among men”:

“No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money." The Pharisees, who were lovers of money, heard all these things, and they ridiculed him. And he said to them, "You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God.” – Luke 16:13 – 16:15

5. Limit income of any person involved in religious work to whatever the median income for families in America happens to be for the previous year. Certainly Christians should have no objection to this in light of the way Jesus clearly sees the money issue.

6. Criminalize the use of God or any religion, religious figure, or religious belief:

a) as part of any political or election campaign

b) as justification for any legislation

c) to interfere in public education

d) to engage in public policy debate

7. Require that all televangelists who claim to have healing powers and other demonstrable gifts from God obtain a license to practice. This license would be granted upon successfully demonstrating ability to an impartial licensing jury of peers.

8. Eliminate any existing Faith-Based initiatives and re-allocate those funds to appropriate, non-proselytizing organizations.

Have I missed anything?

Stuff I Read Today 10/6/06

No-Fly List Turns Out To Be Worse Than Useless - Journalists finally get a copy of the list only to find it hopelessly out of date and ridiculously inaccurate.

Grand Old Party Of Child Endangerment - It's a little hard to trust the Republican-led Congress to keep the whole United States safe when you can't even trust them not to molest your children.

What's up with these "pain contracts"? -
The Drug Warriors have been prosecuting doctors around the country for dispensing 'too much' pain medication, so doctors are resorting to "pain contracts" with patients in an attempt to protect themselves. Such contracts typically require the patient to agree that "lost, stolen, or misplaced" drugs are not to be replaced and that the patient agree to be drug tested. Patients who refuse to sign such an agreement or who test positive for non-prescribed drugs--i.e. marijuana--are likely to be cut off. You can read more about this savage violation of human rights here.

U.S. Government developing software to monitor "public opinion"
- This isn't tin foil hat stuff; this is the New York Times! The torture laws are in place to punish anyone the government wishes, and soon all dissent will be 'monitored'. Welcome to the Democratic People's Republic of America.

Watchdog Group: FBI Lied About Foley Probe

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Stuff I Read Today 10/5/06

The Truth Behind Tainted Spinach - This is what you risk when you buy from Big Food rather than small local suppliers.

Slicing Up The Earth's Atmosphere For Corporate Profit - Ever wondered why we can't seem to clean up our air? It's tough when permission to pollute becomes a tradable commodity...

The Radical Right, The Myth Of The Gay Child Abuser, And You

There's SO many Bush scandals that it is just a waste to even bother putting them all up. If you aren't convinced by now that Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, Rice, etc are criminals, you never will be...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Health Care

Just as with the War On Drugs, it should be clear to anyone who does not have a financial/career stake in keeping the health care industry as it is now that it is probably the second biggest domestic policy disaster in US history aside from slavery. As president, it would be my moral duty to end it.

My “Pro-Life Initiative” would essentially emulate the system Canada successfully set up decades ago. It may not be perfect, but it’s a fine start, and it’s certainly 300% better than the system we have now.

I will almost certainly return to this position to add more specifics and details as time goes on, but for now you get the general idea…

Stuff I Read Today 10/4/06

Schools Curtailing Free Speech...Again

Bill O'Reilly Labels Rep. Foley A Democrat

Ten Reasons Why The Wal-Mart Pundits Are Wrong

Now That You Could Be Labeled An Enemy Combatant...

Fake 9/11 Hijacker Videos

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Stuff I Read Today

Justices Refuse To Hear Texas Case On Sex Toys – While the Constitution burns and the country is plundered, the “Christian” Right cheers

NRCC Uses Small Children As Human Shields – Tom Reynolds surrounds himself with children to fend off frank questions about the Foley scandal!

Our Rigged Elections: The Elephant in the Polling Booth – with lots of supporting documentation that will scare the crap out of you!

Religious leaders unite on marijuana initiative – Now THIS is nice to see!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Stuff I Read Today

Tony Snow Says Foley’s Folly Just “A Few Naughty Emails”

Matt Drudge Blames The Kids For Foley’s Folly, Says They Are 16 And 17 Year Old Beasts

The Growing Iraq Resistance Movement In The U.S. Military – A tribute to those heroes who refuse to participate in Bush’s war crimes

Tortured Canadian Wins Battle For Truth - Four years after he was detained as a suspected terrorist, Maher Arar's name has finally been cleared

A Blow Against the Corporate Empire – In California, one community is putting corporations in their place

Get A Grip America! It’s Dangerous For A People To Be Ruled by Fear

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Technorati Profile

The War On Drugs

By now, it should be clear to anyone who does not have a financial/career stake in the War On Drugs that it is probably the biggest domestic policy disaster in US history aside from slavery. As president, it would be my moral duty to end it.

Rather than justify this effort with all sorts of scientific evidence proving that this drug isn't so bad and that one isn't dangerous at all, I would simply go with the following:

"All people are responsible for their own actions. Even if those actions are committed under the influence of a substance, it is the person that is responsible because he chose to be under the influence. Is a murder any less detestable simply because the murderer was sober? It is enough to convict for offenses committed, while those who commit no offense should be left alone."

Ideally, my drug initiative would do the following:

1. Legalize possession and sale of most of the drugs that one can currently be arrested for being in possession of. The only immediate exceptions to this would be those drugs that are, in non-medical settings, primarily used to victimize others (i.e. scopalamine).

2. Regulate and tax possession and sale of said drugs in the same manner that alcohol is regulated. For our less literate citizens: This means that crack will not be sold on street corners to children any more than alcohol is now!

3. Immediately free all non-violent drug offenders who are not serving time for any other offense. Anyone who has a drug related offense on record can petition to have it stricken from their records provided that they have committed no felony offenses unrelated to drugs in principle. When possible, all property and funds seized under drug war seizure laws will be returned to those whose offenses are approved for deletion, as well as to those who were not charged or convicted of any offense.

4. Create and pass a constitutional amendment that forbids the government to even try passing a law that criminalizes adults for ingesting any food, liquid, or substance.

5. Put a system in place that guarantees addiction treatment for anyone who asks. This would be funded using taxes received from sale of said drugs, along with a substantial amount of the money the country would be saving by not fighting a War On Drugs.

6. Overhaul the drug testing industry by requiring all drug testing to reveal when a person was last considered legally impaired by the drug in question, requiring drug testing companies to disclose their false positive / false negative rates in a very prominent manner, and forbidding a) drug testing to exclude anyone from academic activities or admission; and b) drug testing to exclude candidates from employment.

7. Initiate a national drug education campaign that not only truthfully explains both the dangers and benefits of drugs, but explains the shameful history behind the War On Drugs and the outrageous falsehoods that fueled it.

8. Immediately revoke all bans on financial aid for students who have been involved in drug offenses. All universities will be required to re-admit students who may have left school because of drug-related bans. Furthermore, applicants for admission who were denied financial aid because of drug-related laws would be given special admittance priority.

This is not the final draft of this initiative. Unlike a certain president we know, I am open to suggestions, new ideas, and constructive criticism.