Stuff I Read Today 10/8/06
A US 'Invasion' of Korea - As world attention is drawn to North Korea's missile launches and nuclear program, many South Koreans are attuned to a threat much closer to home. They have watched a group of rice farmers in the small village of Daechuri near the city of Pyongtaek attempt to defend themselves against invasion by the US military.
It's a slow news day, it seems.
Or not. Perhaps it's just that all the Bush and Republican scandals have just burned me out. Common Dreams has a pretty good description of my problem - my 'moral outrage needle' has been in the red so long that things like the Foley cover-up just can't register. The lies and mud-slinging coming from Republicans, the religious right, the Bush administration and their Fox News lapdogs is so appalling and devoid of any facts that they might as well be alien invaders from another planet. Talking to them is like talking to a wall - they cannot be reasoned with or persuaded with facts because that is NOT the world they live in.
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