In The News 11/9/06
Why Rumsfeld should be prosecuted now
Why Pelosi had really better consider impeachment
Why you should stay away from Windows Vista - Good luck trying to play anything you've downloaded! The RIAA / MPAA Special Aktion Group resides in Vista.
Democrats sure are being nice to Bush - You know, I try to stay away from linking to sites as dramatic as those run by Alex Jones, but seriously, those guys have some things to say that all of us should consider. They've been right many times more than they've been wrong. Don't pass this up; you may regret it later if you do. Oh, their thoughts on how the election could have been thrown are bound to be fairly unpopular with the Americablog and Crooks And Liars crowds...but if it's true, it's damn scary.
What will the election mean for copyright? - Let's hope Boucher gets the job (but even then, I won't be surprised to see some draconian legislation spew forth).
Government tries to stop AT&T lawsuit - This isn't surprising. AT&T scratched the Feds' back by letting them play Big Brother, and now Big Brother wants to cover it all up. Very dismaying.
Social security data used for criminal investigations - Doesn't sound so significant until you realize that just about anything can be turned into a terrorism investigation these days. This is a must-read.
Bush's Daddy steps in to help - They gave Bush the presidency and he broke it, along with the entire Middle East and his own country. Now Daddy's gonna give him some help.
Why Rumsfeld should be prosecuted now - First, in fairness... I didn't read the article.
My comment is that if you're going to prosecute Rumsfeld, you need to also prosecute the President. He's known exactly what's been going on, he's the one who has kept Rumsfeld around all this time, he's the one "in charge."
Now. If you want to make a case against Bush, you'll most likely have my support because I can't stand the man for what he's done in Iraq. But to say that Rumsfeld should be punished, and him alone, would be totally unfair and illogical. His very firing is unfair (but necessary). The President gets away with using a scapegoat to take the light off himself. And by the way, it's not the first time Bush has done this.
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