Saturday, October 28, 2006

Stuff I Read Today 10/27/06

Bush reserves right to preside over another Katrina failure - ...because arabian horse judges can always be counted upon when national disasters strike.

RIAA on the hook in Stubbs case - Criminal cartel hooks itself again when trying to throw back innocent fish.

The Dixie Chicks - The neo-con right corporate elite calls attention to some true American heroes.

The Freedom Of Information Act for bloggers - This EFF guide is most helpful...check it out!

Boarding pass hacker under fire - He should be a national hero, but instead a brilliant Congressman Edward Markley is calling for his arrest.

PBS NOW presents Janitor Justice - This is a must-watch!

Do not pay for DVD Shrink - It's free, and anyone who says otherwise is trying to scam you.

US military blocks Marines from visiting alternative news websites

Governments say they follow US on jail treatment
- If it's OK for the US to torture, then it's OK for us!

Rumsfeld to Iraq war critics - "This is complicated just back off!"

Fecal factories in the heartland - Reason #254 that you should buy all of your food from local organic producers whenever possible.

Now Europe targets bloggers as terrorists

Yet another benefit of THC sees the light of day - They said marijuana causes cancer, but now we’ve learned that THC may prevent it. They said marijuana makes you forgetful, but it turns out that it might prevent Alzheimer’s too. They said marijuana makes you sterile, but today I learned that it can increase fertility.


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