Saturday, November 04, 2006

Stuff I Read Today 11/3/06

Now here's a good candidate for governor - "I am hearing from a lot of Republicans who say I am a true conservative, but I'm also getting support from a lot of lefty Democrats. There is a large segment of the population that feels like it doesn't have a political voice when the major party candidates here are trying to out-Jesus each other." We could use more candidates like this classy lady.

20 years after Iran-Contra, Washington's role in Nicaragua still a scandal - The US sure doesn't hesitate to commit terrorist acts when it stands to benefit. This is a bit of history that we never should have forgotten - and now it could happen again.

War criminals, beware! - A group of lawyers is bringing charges against Rumsfeld and others in Germany under Universal Jurisdiction doctrine. This is more serious than you may think: An earlier case against Rumsfeld was brought two years ago in Germany by CCR on behalf of four Iraqi victims of Abu Ghraib, drawing largely on documents and photos that revealed abuse at the prison. As the case was being considered, a security conference loomed in Munich. Rumsfeld, who could have been served papers or even arrested, refused to attend unless the case was dismissed. It was dismissed February 10; Rumsfeld flew to Germany the next day.

Google 'will be able to keep tabs on us all' - I haven't checked, but I'll bet US mainstream media hasn't even mentioned this.

Military calls for Rumsfeld's head
- All four branches will publish an editorial Monday demanding Rumsfeld's ouster. Have Skunk has a different perspective

Record companies sue defendant's kids - Is there no low these crime syndicates won't stoop to?

Fox News to air terror movie FOUR TIMES this weekend to scare more people into voting Republican - Shameless.

Cheney: "Full speed ahead" on Iraq; "Public sentiment will not influence war policy" - Wow. This guy seems to have forgotten that he works for the American people.

Neo-cons who begged for war in Iraq now refuse to accept responsibility; all blame placed on Bush - ...because they are never wrong. Ever.

...and now for a bit of very black humor

Tony Snow sez: "Wars are hard"

No more fish to eat in 40 years - I know I posted a link on this story yesterday, but this is too scary to not post a second time.

Wow, there is just too much going on this week. I haven't even gotten around to Ted Haggard's meth snorting and fantasies of massive gay orgies, or the Republican attempts to blame anyone but themselves for the Foley scandal, or updates on Republicans' online posting of instructions on how to make an atom bomb, or...

If you missed any of this in the news, check out my earlier posts and just Google for updates.


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