Monday, October 23, 2006

Stuff I Read Today 10/23/06

Bush: "We've never been 'stay the course'!" - How can ANYONE defend this?

US bans Vegemite - Seriously. I guess it's time for the rest of the world to ban peanut butter.

A lullabye to free speech - Hilarious.

Desperate GOP stoops to lowest fear politics imaginable - Surprised?

Is it Vietnam yet? - Cindy Sheehan speaks!

Wal Mart's drug deal - Why you shouldn't be buying your medications - or anything else for that matter - from the low-price mongers.

So long, America - Free speech? Gone. Open vote counting? Gone. Free viewing of public airwaves? Gone. Letters to the editor? Forget about it!

P2P woes at Elizabethtown - Local college students display intelligence that rivals the world's most elite kindergartens.

How prescription drugs are poisoning our waters - An aging population and our growing addiction to pharmaceuticals may have disastrous consequences for our water supply.

What have California doctors learned about cannabis?

The economy is booming - Don't miss Have Skunk's compelling analysis of our wonderful economy!

Ugh. There's lots of other stuff going on. Bush and his buddies will destroy the world yet. In the meantime, Americablog is doing a fantastic job of covering the campaigns (see "Some blogs I like" at right for link. I've had enough of looking at the mess Big Money has made of the world for one day.


At 3:09 AM, Blogger James said...

It's quite a change of tack from "we got him" and we're gonna bomb them into "shock and awe", isn't it?!


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