Stuff I Read Today 10/6/06
No-Fly List Turns Out To Be Worse Than Useless - Journalists finally get a copy of the list only to find it hopelessly out of date and ridiculously inaccurate.
Grand Old Party Of Child Endangerment - It's a little hard to trust the Republican-led Congress to keep the whole United States safe when you can't even trust them not to molest your children.
What's up with these "pain contracts"? - The Drug Warriors have been prosecuting doctors around the country for dispensing 'too much' pain medication, so doctors are resorting to "pain contracts" with patients in an attempt to protect themselves. Such contracts typically require the patient to agree that "lost, stolen, or misplaced" drugs are not to be replaced and that the patient agree to be drug tested. Patients who refuse to sign such an agreement or who test positive for non-prescribed drugs--i.e. marijuana--are likely to be cut off. You can read more about this savage violation of human rights here.
U.S. Government developing software to monitor "public opinion" - This isn't tin foil hat stuff; this is the New York Times! The torture laws are in place to punish anyone the government wishes, and soon all dissent will be 'monitored'. Welcome to the Democratic People's Republic of America.
Watchdog Group: FBI Lied About Foley Probe
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