War On Dishonesty
Over the last century, we have managed to have a War On Alcohol (AKA Prohibition), a War On Drugs, and a War On Terror, yet despite the fact that dishonesty by our elected officials, media figures, and those who speak with the media have poisoned debate and public opinion through all of these wars, no one to my knowledge has ever proposed a War On Dishonesty. As President, it would be my moral obligation to begin that fight in earnest. My “9th Commandment Initiative” would ideally accomplish the following:
1. Criminalize the following acts:
a) Any public dishonesty or distortion of facts by any person or corporation in any form of media. In cases where honesty may result in self-incrimination, any person may use their fifth amendment right to remain silent. If we must have our jails and prisons full of people, let us fill them with liars instead of drug users. Anyone found guilty of lying to or misleading the public would be required to make very loud retractions. Guilty individuals would be subject to imprisonment (presidents of the United States included!) and corporations would be subject to having all assets seized and sold off as well as licenses permanently revoked.
b) Falsification or manipulation of scientific data in order skew results and conclusions. Shoddy and/or questionable research methods are a real menace to everyone; the people who do it for corporate and political gain are just as criminal as burglars and murderers.
c) The practice of passing off PR advertisements as genuine news. News organizations should be making their own news or getting real news from legitimate news providers. Public relations is such an inherently dishonest industry that I would consider making it illegal altogether.
This is most definitely a work in progress. All suggestions and contributions are very welcome.
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