Monday, October 09, 2006

Stuff I Read Today 10/9/06

North Korea: Flashback To 2002 - Nick over at predicts that the neocon religious right-wingers will blame this whole mess on Clinton...and they have!

GOP knew about Foley six years ago! - Look under 'featured video'.

Brainless: The Lies And Lunacy Of Ann Coulter - Now here's a book worth getting, especially since Reuters fired Joe Maguire for writing it (registration required - use bugmenot).

Right to privacy now on endangered list - Former Congressman and US Attorney Bob Barr, a leader of the impeachment proceedings against Clinton, speaks out on our soon to be extinct right to privacy! Now things are officially Really Really Bad...

Sex, Lies, And Family Values - A long list of people who, while spouting off with bullhorns about 'family values', have been caught with their pants down with people who are not their wives.

Who Killed Michael Moore? - How would non-right wing people react if the government assassinated Micheal Moore for his activism and political dissent? If it's just more blog posts and complaining, it may just embolden government and corporations to commit ever more heinous crimes against those that oppose their crookery.


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