Friday, October 13, 2006

Stuff I Read Today 10/13/06

The gospel of prosperity - Megachurch begs for money, sheeple give. Why don't people actually read those Bibles they always carry around?

"Christian" conservatives duped by BushCo - and here's more about the new book "Tempting Faith"

"Christian" Democrats (conservatives) snubbing out coffee shops in Netherlands - Leave it to so-called "Christians" to mess everything up for everyone else...

You can thank industrial agriculture for e. coli. - Yet another reason to buy local organically raised foods

Five scandals that could put Republicans in jail - Is Big Oil pulling an Enron? Who's making money off of your retirement?

America's Nuremberg laws - Lest we forget, any of us can now be tortured and/or jailed for life without trial simply by being labeled an 'unlawful enemy combatant'.

Hippie-hating and baiting - A centerpiece of the religious-right and conservatism

Politicians caught out in TV drug test - ...and you thought world leaders were upstanding, trustworthy citizens :)

Instructor compares Bush to Hitler - Instructor makes thoughtful observations, entire state freaks out

Bush has achieved America's demise - Bush regime proceeds exactly as Nazi regime did, America more concerned about next episode of 'Survivor'.

How Wal-Marting of organics hurts us all - Are you still shopping at big-box stores? For shame...

DoJ approves Big Telco mega-merger - Consumers can pound salt


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