Stuff I Read Today 10/14/06
Dear Leaders - Molly Ivins cuts Bush's North Korea strategies to ribbons. Gotta love her...Joe Conason has a good one too.
China drafts labor laws to end abuse; American corporations protest - A certain chamber of commerce thinks of China as nothing but a cheap factory; God forbid these corporations might have to treat their workers fairly! The corporate elite takes off its mask. Here's another.
Mega-merger vs. internet freedom
More on pain contracts - Having pain problems? Some doctors won't give you any pain meds now unless you agree to be drug tested. Test positive and your pain meds are stopped cold. And you thought America was a model of human rights standards...
8 million American workers just lost the right to organize
Two dairies end use of artificial growth hormones - Monsanto sure to sue. From article: Monsanto sued Oakhurst Dairy in Maine in 2003 after it put labels on its milk saying its farmers pledged not to use artificial growth hormones. The case was settled when Oakhurst added a statement to its labels saying the FDA has found ``no significant difference in milk from cows treated with artificial growth hormones."
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