Friday, September 29, 2006

Link to me!

Like my platforms? Then help me get the word out with a button that asks the question so many people are afraid to honestly answer. Show your support for candidates not beholden to Big Money / Big Religion and policies that stop both from doing further damage to America and the rest of the world!

<a href="" target="_top"><img src="" alt="Whose Country Is This Anyway"></a>

Whose country IS this anyway?

It's a question that really needs answering, and unfortunately corporations and churches seem to be the only ones laying any significant claims to America today despite that fact that it was never meant for either. Most of us seem to be too busy working 60 hour weeks and watching Survivor to be bothered with paying attention to where the country is going while using any critical thinking skills. I've watched many of my closest friends become walking propaganda zombies, mindlessly parroting the talking points they heard on the radio on their way to work that day. I've walked away from conversations with them amazed and depressed because not only does logic not penetrate, but it earns me looks that say "you're a great friend, but your politics are really extreme and radical, and your predictions are just ludicrous and silly." It particularly galls me that things that are happening now are the same kinds of things many of us progressives predicted six years ago, and when we spoke out then it was 'silly' at best, and 'disrespectful' or "If you don't like it, then leave!" at worst.

Perhaps I'm just not an eloquent speaker...or maybe it's that I can't possibly convey everything I've learned and read over the last few years, much less the last week, in a conversation that might last 20 minutes before it gets snagged on something completely inconsequential. It's probably a bit of both.

So here's my backup. I have no intention of making a bid for the presidency or any other office. But maybe I'll get some business cards printed up anyway. Just in case :)