Stuff I Read Today 11/2/06
Single payer health: The Basics - Healthcare is a right, not a luxury like caviar. Healing the sick is a moral obligation. But, the American medical system is broken for all of us – not just for the uninsured...Because health care is a system – like a car. If something goes wrong with your car it affects everybody riding it - not just people in the back seat.
The anti-life auto industry does not want you to know about defects - ...because then you might buy a competitor's car instead.
Cop threatens to plant drugs in retaliation - Boy, isn't the War On Drugs great?
US interrogation techniques are so bad that US soldiers have killed themselves after objecting
Killing the middle class - Excerpted from Thom Hartmann's newest book, Screwed; The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class -- And What We Can Do About It.
Prison Planet - America's culture of imprisonment is spreading across the the name of 'freedom'.
The boarding pass brouhaha - Why are we shooting the messenger instead of discussing the problem?
The architects of the war: Where are they now? - Think Progress runs down the list only to find that everyone who predicted a quick win and greetings with flowers has been rewarded for their incompetency.
Shot down like pigs in the streets - Who wants to be the last person maimed or killed under our mentally ill president's command?
Republican efforts to prove their case for war results in online publication of recipe for atom bomb - Can they get any more ridiculous and irresponsible? Stay tuned...
World's fish supply running out - ...and all the mainstream media can talk about is gay marriage?
Religious Right leader Ted Haggard resigns over gay prostitute scandal - ...and you can watch Haggard - one of the most powerful Religious Right figures aside from Dobson - bash gays here in a clip from "Jesus Camp".
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